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Time to decide

“No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein

The more I step into the person I am, the more unhappiness and anger I see in the people around me. It used to be me that was so angry that it was hard to make it through the day.

Now that I have done the work to face my fears, guilt, and shit, and continually work to move through and release it, it is so easy to see the enormous amount of anger in other people.

From their circumstances, “that I could never understand,” to the outdated beliefs identical to those of their parents that no longer fit today’s society, to entitlement, self-righteousness, and utter fucking stupidity! Stuck in their old thought pattern and more concerned, in many cases, in being right then reaching and seeing that maybe there is more for them out there. Then learning how to release thoughts and memories that continue to bring up pain and anger because they do not know there is a better way.

The self-righteous belief that whatever ideas they grew up with is exactly how they should still think and feel. It doesn’t matter that you have free will to think and feel for yourself and that times change and the world flows into a new consciousness.

This is not a value judgment on religion or way of life, but rather a question of whether or not you openly question or do you just believe because that is what you were told to think?

I am not saying that my way is the best way or the only way, I am saying that for God’s sake explore and learn and seek what works best for you. Just because you always did it that way, or your parents always did it that way, or that you were taught to do it that way, that you can’t question whether or not that is right for you as an individual.

You can move through and let go of the thoughts and things that hurt you. You do not need to hold on to old circumstances and painful memories. It does not decrease your self-worth or minimize the seriousness of the actions; it only releases you from the anger.

The amazing thing happens when you let go is that you get stronger and more clear on who you are right now. When you let go of painful baggage and old beliefs of who you are, you step into a new clarity and positivity that builds strength and character on a whole new level. It’s freeing and powerful.

So this year, I am stepping fully into the person I am. That means I am releasing thoughts and ideas that may not sync with you and that’s ok. I work with women who know there is more for them, and I’m not for everybody.

It’s not my purpose to offend, but rather to let you know there is so much more for you and that you can step into your most powerful version. You can take control of your emotions, release your pain, and recreate your future and your life so that you are excited for every day.

“What you feel inside is real,” Kat Loterzo.

It all starts with your thoughts and beliefs. Time to explore what is holding you back and how can you start to live the way you were meant to.

It is not about slowing down as we age or relaxing. It’s about figuring out and deciding who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to live. It’s about finally stepping up and living in a manner that actually rocks your world. The version of you that is secure enough to be alone and safe to be you with other people. The version that doesn’t need to fit in or follows the crowd, but leads just because you are living you, authentically.

There is no more time to be living an outdated version. Life moves fast. It’s already 2017. Yesterday, I blinked and I was celebrating Y2K with my little girls. 17 years later, they have grown up and moved away.

Today is all you have; take the time to decide now how you will live your next chapter. It’s possible, and it’s never too late.

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