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  • Writer's pictureDebra Lee May

Releasing the Anger

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

Taking control of anger, guilt, and fear from past circumstances have completely changed my life. Now, I'm in control of my thoughts and know how to release those that don't serve me. When you let go of the pain and anger, you open space for the experiences you want to feel. Then, you can build your life around your dreams and not your circumstances.

I work with many women who feel their past holds them back, and the recurring thoughts of what happened keeps them in a constant state of anger.

Sometimes, that anger motivates you and pushes you to get things done, but mostly, it holds you back. It raises your blood pressure, your heart races, and it literally changes the physiology of your body.

When you start letting those little things anger or trigger you, it redirects you from where you want to be. It's overwhelming, and they don't all feel like little things. But let's face it, there's a lot of crap that can sidetrack your day.

Things that happened that you think I'd never understand. Your upbringing, relationships of all kinds, scary stuff in the news, and a slew of other things, and you're trying to make it through. That anger sets in or even build throughout the day!

The anger is taking up your time and energy rather than used for more positive or essential things. You know, deep down, that there has to be more to life than this, but you don't know where to turn.

I feel like a fraud because I still fall back into the trap even though I know how to move through it. My mind wanders, and then I feel anger moving through my body until I remember I don't have to do this anymore.

I feel like a fraud because sometimes these emotions still get in. The difference is now I know how to let them go. Once I realize it, I exchange them with positive thoughts that build me up instead of tearing me down.

This is what I want for you.

Taking control of my anger, guilt, and fear from past circumstances have completely changed my life. Now, I'm in control of my thoughts and know how to release those that don't serve me. When you let go of the pain and anger, you open space for the experiences you want to feel. Then, you can build your life around your dreams and not your circumstances.

Some simple things you can start right now.

Make a gratitude list.

It is impossible to feel gratitude and anger at the same time.

Once you realize you are in an angry state or feeling guilty or fearful, consciously start to think of the things in your life right now that you are grateful for. Your brain cannot process opposing emotions at the same time. What are you thankful for right now? Write a list and keep going until you feel the anger softening.

Move your body

Interrupt your current state of mind by doing something physical. Movement helps release pent-up energy and allows your mind to flow to other thoughts. Take a walk, break a sweat, sweep the floor or anything different that takes you out of your current thought pattern.

Release the emotions through forgiveness

A forgiveness practice does not make the action right or let anyone else off the hook. It acknowledges that it happened and allows you to release the emotions from your body. Then, you can reclaim that space and your time.

Forgiveness helps you to reclaim the power of decision and what emotions you will or will not allow in. Forgiveness puts you in control of your feelings and helps you build yourself up rather than tearing yourself down.

Simple Forgiveness Prayer

I forgive you, I'm sorry, thank you, and I love you. Silently said in your head or on paper.

Please join me for a free workshop to help you release the anger and start to experience a higher level of inner power and freedom. Private message me for details.

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